

COMMOD HOUSE is the first house that grows with you! By combining natural building materials and advanced technology we provide a uniquely designed, healthy and ecological living environment for a reliable fixed price.

All houses are designed individually and no two houses are the same!

There are a variety of roof shapes to select from, including flat, mono-pitch or a gabled roof up to two stories.


We are also available on request to take as a general contractor for all services. This would include all the process from drafting and official planning approval, right up to site supervision and site preparation. We can even include any additional extensions to your COMMOD HOUSE – all from one source!

The flexible modular system can be rapidly and easily expanded according to changing living circumstances. (Children, home office …). Extensions or relocation can be realized within days!


The prices depend on the size of the house, the number of floors, the shape of the roof, etc. Prices are quoted in /m² GFA (GFA = gross floor area), are valid only from the top of the foundation, excluding transport and assembly and according to our latest terms and conditions. For projects outside of Austria, approximately 10% of the total project volume will be added for project and planning coordination, assembly organization, etc.

The COMMOD HOUSE Standard:

high-flexibility design for your home
high quality with state-of-the-art technology
lasting value thanks to ecological and energy-efficient construction

The COMMOD HOUSE Benefits:

unique design – craftsmanship
comfortable living atmosphere
healthy indoor environment
100% recyclable building materials

Interior Design, Extensions & Terraces


Your individual Project Consultation Package from COMMOD HOUSE!

COMMOD HOUSE wants to guide you along the way to realizing your dream home. In order to determine your construction project, we can offer you our individual Project Consultation Package (IPC package) for only € 750, – excl. VAT. This amount will then be credited to you when you buy your COMMOD HOUSE!

Order a bespoke IPC package now! To get started, just send an e-mail with the subject “IPCpackage” to

  • Expert advice on establishing the challenges, appropriate tasks, goals and solutions.
  • Support regarding design, functional, economic and schedule issues.
  • Advice on the total scope of service.
  • Presentation of an initial solution in the form of a preliminary proposal.
  • Preliminary estimation of the costs of your COMMOD HOUSE, including estimation of transport, installation and foundation etc