OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open


We again invite you on March 13, 2020 for the popular:
OPEN DOORS in our production halls!
From 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., COMMOD houses can be visited in different construction phases and with different cubatures.
COMMOD HOUSE FH: 2 storey building consisting of four modules with flat roof (GFA approx. 128m²)
COMMOD HOUSE SP: 1 storey bungalow in L-shape made of 3 modules (GFA approx. 84m²) and other COMMOD HOUSE design production.

Registration till Mon, March 9, 2020 at::  registration COMMOD HOUSE OPEN DOORS 13.03.2020

We look forward to getting to know you personally!
ATTENTION: The number of participants for the event is limited, please register quickly!

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

OPEN DOORS 13/03/20 COMMOD HOUSE Registration open

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